Russ Steele
When you are stopped in Brunswick traffic, or have to wait more than two minutes to get through the East Main / Idaho Maryland intersection, did you ever wonder where all these people came from? The below the fold article on American Mobility in the Union got me to thinking, and I decided to dig down a bit to see who was generating all that traffic congestion. The US Census provided the following information about Nevada County inmigration, and outmigration, for the period 1995 to 2000.
Inmigration to Nevada County came from 40 different States and 53 Counties in California.
The top six inflow States and Counties were:
Maricopa County, Arizona 313
Washoe County, Nevada 559
Multnomah County, Oregon 123
Denton County, Texas 124
King County, Washington 105
La Plate County, Colorado 85
The top six inflow locations from with in California were:
Alameda County 1,156
Contra Costa County 1,132
Los Angles County 1,351
Placer County 2,445
Sacramento County 1,475
Santa Clara County 1,771
Some time back, the Union asked the local moving companies were they were moving people. Sand Point Idaho was the big destination. The Census found people moving to 46 States and 54 Counties in California
The top six out flow destinations were:
Maricopa County, Arizona 297 (Also a major inflow source)
Washoe County Nevada 1,247 (Also major inflow source)
Jackson County Oregon 168
Clark County Nevada 187
Spokane County Washington 102
Carson City Nevada 133
The top six out flow destinations with in California were:
Butte County 481
Los Angles County 697 (Also a major inflow source)
Placer County 2,395 (Also a major inflow source)
Sacramento County 1,357 ( (Also a major inflow source)
Santa Clara County 433 (Also a major inflow source)
Yuba County 511
It would appear, there is a lot of moving to, and moving out of, the same or similar locations. However, there was a lot more coming than going, which is reflected in our average population gain of about a 1,000 new residence a year.
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