Russ Steele
One part per million of ozone, a colorless gas, can kill a person.
We have about 20-30 bad air days every summer, when the ozone gets up to 130 parts per billion. Some disclosure before we examine the Nevada County Breaths meeting. I am an asthmatic and have to take steroids to breath during portions of the year. I am also diabetic and the steroids make contol of my blood sugars very difficult. The combination is slowly killing me. I found the information presented by Dr. Kane and Joe Fish the Air Quality District representative quite interesting. In reflection, Nevada County ozone may have more of an impact on my health than I thought.
I went to the Nevada County Breaths meeting and joined about 20 other concerned citizens worried about Western Nevada County ozone levels. Truckee is ozone threat free. According to the data presented, Nevada county is 12th in the nation for bad ozone levels. Yet, there is not much we can do about it, as the ozone comes from the Valley and Coastal Cities, sneaking in at night, starting in the early evening and extending well past midnight. How much and for how long depends on weather conditions, which way the wind is blowing. As Mike Woodman, Transportation Commission representative noted, “we could shut down all the cars in Nevada County tomorrow and it would not make any difference in the ozone levels.” Local transit and car pools are not the solution.
The audience suggested some solutions, but most failed the practicality test. Some suggested education of the political bodies in the offending cities and counties by our Supervisors. Others wanted to ban old cars, which are major polluters, from the roads in Northern California. Others wanted the State to increase CAFE fuel standards, reducing the amount of fuel burned. [All ready in the works for 2009] Others wanted to make ozone a front page health issue in the Union. The one action that came out of the meeting was for Dr. Kane to write an Other Voices highlighting the ozone health problem. In the end we never came close to finding a solution for eliminating the real source of the problem, the millions of cars, the industrial plants, and even the ships in the ports burning bunker oil, all producing ozone precursors. The precursors which the sun converts to ozone and the winds blow into our backyards.
One interesting idea was a reverse Sawyer Decision for ozone polution. As you will recall in the 1800s the folks the valley got tired of dealing with the silt and slime produced by hydraulic mining and sued the North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Company, and shut down an industry. Several attendees thought a class action suit by the Sierra Counties, against the Cities and Counties requiring them to stop producing the ozone was a good idea. While interesting, perhaps not too practical. Wiping out the valley and coastal community economies by shutting down their transportation systems could have long term impacts on our local tourist industry. We need those coast and valley folks to bring their money to Nevada County, plus many local companies depend on their partners in these polluting communities.
I have some ideas, which may be a bit more practical, for a future post.
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