Russ Steele
Jeff Pelline writes Megan's Law Web Site data limited for some, November 30, 2006
The Megan's Law Web site was meant to provide everybody with access to registered sex offenders, but certain Apple Computer users get more limited access to the data.
When you use Internet Explorer or Netscape and go to, you can search for sex offenders under seven categories: name, address, city, Zip code, county, parks and schools. But with Apple's Safari browser, you only get access to name, address and schools - not the other four categories.
This editor tried to download Internet Explorer for the Apple Computer at his office. He clicked on the link from Megan's Web site and eventually was directed to a message on Microsoft's Web site that read: "As of January 31st, 2006, Internet Explorer for the Mac is no longer available for download from Microsoft."
The world has spoken, and even MS recognized that no one wants the buggy insecure Internet Explorer. Apple and PC users should use more secure Firefox when sites demand IE. The first time I used Safari it worked just fine. But, confirming operations the second time, it failed as Jeff described. Hummmm. If you are an Apple user you should have the Firefox browser when Safari falls short. Foxfire is free. I use Firefox to post on blogs, as Firefox has a more robust built in editor and a spell checker. I have also found Opera and Camino browsers for Mac OS-X to be fast and reliable. Camino also worked on the Megan's Law site. Mac users have more options than those stuck with Microsoft.
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