Russ Steele
Anna at NC Focus and I have been having a exchange of views on climate change, but she does not what me to post any more “denialism industry’s talking points,” on NC Focus. And, to limit my global warming comments to a single sentence. She is just too busy to deal with the facts. Details here.
My closing response to this thread is more than a single sentence long, so I am posting it here.
Dear Anna:
I did not give you a list of denier industry taking points, I gave you a list of peer reviewed papers that recorded the MWP existed world wide. I am sorry you are too busy to read the studies and let the fact get in the way of your beliefs. The NOAA reference you gave was a graphic showing Dr. Mann’s iconic hockey stick. The National Academy of Science said, while Dr Mann’s analysis was “plausible,” he should not have used strip bark bristle cone pines in his data set, which make up the blade of the hockey stick.See this graphic presented to the NAS Panel by Steve McIntyre, Climate Audit.
Click for a larger image. MBH is Mann, Bradley and Hughs, who wrote the iconic hockey stick paper used by the IPCC and CalEPA.
As for the “scaremongering climatologists who publish peer-reviewed "junk science" in order to garner more funding for their field of study.” My point is, if the global warming is a natural cycle, the $12 billions spend on research to prove humans caused the warming it is just a big waste of our taxes. The money would be better spent on adapting to the natural warming cycle, rather then try to stop cycles that have been happening for millions of years.
And, if the scientific smoking gun for a natural cycle was discovered today, the how do we stop human caused global warming money would vanish. So, how many scientist are looking for the natural cycle smoking gun? Not many because of the current grant process is controlled by the “warmers.” And, those that do get funds never get their own chapter in the UN, IPCC Assessment Reports. Why is that? Because there are hundreds of scientists and grad students who have invested their careers in proving CO2 warming is real, and humans are culpable. If climate change is a natural cycle, those careers go in history's trash bin.
Following the money often reveals political corruption. Why should this not be true in science? The folks over at Climate Audit are finding some very disturbing discontinuities is the data sets used in IPCC cited papers that are used to prove humans have caused global warming. Stay tuned, more climate fraud news at 11:00.