Russ Steele
I am off to Sacramento for an other visit with a representative of the Governor’s Broadband Task Force to discuss the use of CDF Towers as wireless antenna locations. No time for blogging this morning, so I offer this from The Simon Magazine for your consideration.
Masking Politics as Science
By Matt Hutaff, May 22, 2007
In the publish-or-perish mentality of academia, is global warming just one in a long line of political agendas disguised by scientific method?
Uncork the sunscreen and throw on some shorts: Summer's coming. All across the solar system.
Recent studies show the sun is working overtime; its radiance and brightness are the highest scientists have seen in decades, and ice samples collected in Greenland reveal this could be the most active period the sun has seen in over 1,000 years.
Earth isn't the only one feeling the heat; Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and many of their satellites are showing marked increases in temperatures, with zones on Jupiter shifting as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit. "At least close to the new [storm] and to the equator," writes physicist Lubos Motl, "nothing less than global warming is expected."These extraterrestrial hot spots have thrown a number of scientists into turmoil. Having preached for years humankind is the leading cause of Earth's warming crisis, they must either accept a multitude of causes that affect our climate, reveal the United States' black ops program of exporting greenhouse emissions to other planets, or continue to browbeat the scientific community and the public at large into submission.
Which route do you think they'll take?
Find out here.
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