Russ Steele
I was one of the Anthony Watts’ early volunteers to survey the 1221 surface temperature stations used in the US Historical Climatology Network. This is the network used to suggest that what the US was experiencing global warming. Regular readers know that Anthony’s volunteer are finding that many of the “high quality” stations in NOAA/GISS data base do not meet the minimum standards set by the National Weather Service. Those promoting global warming say these findings are not important, yet one of the surveys prompted a detailed audit of NOAA/GISS data processing procedures, which resulted in some adjustments to the global warming calculations. Details here and here. 1934 is now the warmest year not 1998, as originally thought by NOAA scientists.
Starting today on a trip to Idaho and Utah, Ellen and I will be surveying additional stations in Nevada, Idaho and Utah along our route. Surveying these rural stations will add to the value to the data base, which is at 23%, shooting for 25% in the near term. We have targeted ten of the required 24 stations needed to reach the the 25% goal. We will be posting progress reports here and at