Russ Steele
I was interested in why the construction industry was listed in the Seifel report as a recruiting target, and have started asking questions. It just does not make much sense to invite more contractors to a community that already has over 500 general contractors. I have an interview scheduled with the Contractors Association on Wednesday, details will be posted here. The NCCA was not interviewed by the Seifel consultants.
While asking questions I found out that the Hospital expansion was, and the current Sierra College expansion, were contracted to Tuner Construction from Sacramento. Turner determined that all of the 500 plus contractors in Nevada County were unqualified to be subcontractors on the Sierra College construction. The reasons vary, but it seem to me the real issue is they were not unionized contractors. When the College was asking for our vote, they were promising they would use some local contractors. So, we have had a little voter bait and switch by the college who did not meet their commitments. It is going to be harder to get my vote next time. I do not like bait and switch. Once was enough for me.
As recommended by the Seifel Report, it seems we have imported Turner Construction to our community, but I am having a hard time seeing the economic benefits. The money goes back to Sacramento. Millions in bond dollars are being spent in Nevada County, but none of it stays here as it all goes back to Sacramento, where Turner and the union subcontractors are based. The College and the Hospital are in Grass Valley. Where was the outrage from Grass Valley's political leaders?
Speaking of The Union, who's Editor like to discuss economic issues, where were they on this issue? They do not seem to be supporting for our local constructions industry. Would some community outrage have changed Turner's decision not to use any local subcontractors? Would some community outrage changed the Colleges decision to not honor their commitments to use some local contractors? Apparently this whole mess is under The Union's radar. Why?