Russ Steele
The Grass Valley mean December temperature was below the 1977 to 2000 average which is 42.5. The December 2007 temperature was 39.59. In contrast 2005 was 44.53, well above the multi year mean. The 2006 mean was 42.67, just a little over the mean. The short term trend is down from 2005, but only time will tell if 2007 is a real trend indicator.
The TV weather talking heads are saying we are about to experience the strongest storm in ten years, with 2-5 inches of rain in the valley, and ten feet of snow in the Sierra. We might get some snow down to 1,500 feet near the end of the stroms. Make sure you have extra fuel for the generator, some bread and milk in the fridge, as the winds are predicted to be 60 mph. This will take down some trees and nearby power lines. It is going to be one hell of a storm if the talking heads are right. The Unisys models seem to agree. Be prepared.