Russ Steele
With all the angst about the supervisor spending, it seems some of this could have been resolve with a little better communication between the Board of Supervisors and our erstwhile newspaper editor. Here is a comment by him in the comments section of his column today.
Now the Supe's are renting conference rooms for their meetings! Money is no object. Fritter it away. After all, it's only tax dollars. UPDATE: This was a comment by "office" moved by Jeff P, so he could comment on it is this thread, which I took as his endorsement, see his comment below.
Care to respond to "office," "justthefacts" please. Why did you chose this space? How much did you pay? Why not use "free" public space? Why don't you listen to what some people in the community/constituents are trying to tell you? Address their concerns. UPDATE: This is Jeff P. comment, see his comment below and the graphic below.
MORE UPDATE: Here is a graphic showing the comment in question. Why ask the questions here when he could have picked up the phone can called the BOS Office? This why I said there was a communications problem. I got an e-mail from a reader who thinks that "office" is Jeff P by another name, answering his own question. What do you think. Please comment below.
According to the information I have the BOS Retreat was scheduled for the LOVE Building in Grass Valley. That is until a tree fell across the building, requiring some repair. Being a government owned facility the contracting process can be quite long so an alternative facility was needed fast. We do not have many large meeting places in Nevada County, and some facilities are not politically acceptable. The BOS would be trashed if they used the fine facilities at the Contractors Association or the Realtors. Some of the locals would have a fit, assuming undue influence, especially if they offered them to the County for free. Given the limited number of large meeting facilities, on short notice the Hotel looked like a good option. Maybe Jeff could come up with some options, maybe the Conference Room at the Union? Oops, that might be seen as undue influence as well.
When I tried to explain why a larger facility was need this was his publishers answer in the comment section here.
UPDATE: My error, it was signed Jeff, and I missed the publisher below. Too many Jeffs at the Union.
What did any of that have to do with the DA's new office space, or the county spending habits during a horrible economic time for most of the rest of the free world? And I attended a county "retreat" late last year at the new lodge in Truckee. I suspect that was also a little expensive, knowing how much those kinds of meetings costs private business.
I was not responding to his DA office rant but the comments by him and others the same section about renting a commercial facility for the BOS Retreat. I could have replied to the specific comment, but that could crash the Union Comment software, taking down all the comments. I was asked not to do that any more.
Now for the DA renting the Union Street Office. My initial reaction was this was not the best use as it did not generate tax revenue. But, then I found out the retail space was still available to rent, the DA was only taking the office space my opinion changed, especially we I realize how much green house gases it would save. Several readers suggested other cheaper locations around the community could be used, but that would required driving two and from the Court House. The Union street offices are only 80 steps from the Court House. Gosh, think of all the Green House Gases that will be save. Is the Union not in favor of protecting the environment. Here was the County sparing the air, and they get kicked in the teeth for spending money. According recent polls by Barbara Boxer and the PPIC, saving the environment is more important than the economy. Seems to me given the priority for reducing green house gases, the BOS made a wise move.
Given our local economic problems, it seems putting a little government money into circulation might be a good thing. That is what the Federal Government is doing, why not a little targeted spending by the County to help the local economy. Besides, if they waited until the State took over the Court House, the DA would have to move, and the Union Street facility might not be available, requiring an offs ite office creating more traffic and air pollution. Remember reducing Green House Gas is California's Top Priority, and that is what this contract will do, but the Union is not happy.
Oh, by the way if you want get a handle on County government spending, drop in to the BOS retreat and get the real skinny, information you will not see in your local newspaper. Last year I was impressed by the budget briefings. Briefing the Union missed.