Russ Steele
Jeff Ackerman writes in his February 5th Union Column:
Speaking of weather, I got a chance to spend some quality time with Charlie Brown, who is continuing his quest to replace John Doolittle in Congress. He's a good man, that Charlie Brown ( I can't help myself), and he really gave Doolittle a run for his money last time around. I don't do endorsements (I'm officially one of those Decline To State registered voters because I hate being treated like one of the party sheep), but I'm voting for Charlie when the time comes to make a choice. He is as close to "one of us" as it gets in politics, and I happen to agree with much of what he says.
Jeff, who is "us"? Are you talking about the folks at the Union? Are you taking about the majority of the people in Nevada County? Or, are you talking about all your family and friends? I know a lot of folks who would not consider themselves in your "us" category. Does your conclusion that we all agree to be in the "us" category does that mean the Union will be leaning more left than it has inn the past? We really need to clear up this "us" business.