Russ Steele
Encouraging our best and brightest to go on to college and earn a technical degree is a noble cause worth supporting. Here is a press release from the Sierra Environmental Studies Foundation promoting TestTech2008.
This Saturday the county’s leading science and math high school seniors will be competing for big cash scholarships by taking a grueling four-hour exam. TechTest2008 will be given in the NUHS Daggett Theater starting at 9am. Sponsored by the Sierra Environmental Studies Foundation, this is the second annual merit scholarship competition for high school seniors who are planning to go on to technology careers. The scholarships this year will total $15,000 with $6, $4, and $2 thousand dollars awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd high scores. There will also be awards of $300 each for the next ten runners up – not a bad take for four hours of work. The exam will be administered and graded by the TechTest Academic Committee chaired by Mr. John McDaniel, NUHS award-winning physics teacher. For more information on TechTest2008 students should talk to their math/science teachers and visit
Look for the TechTest link on the left navigation bar.