Russ Steele
Lefty, a regular contributor in the comment section, lists all of John P. Holdren's credentials here in a effort to convince us that Holdren is not a Science Crackpot. Steve Frisch another regular comment contributor also weighs in several times this morning, see his comments on the right of this page.
Long before Holdren collected this latest Science Adviser's scalp for his academic belt, I read a rather lengthy paper by Professor Richard S. Lindzen, Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who is not impressed by Holdren's scientific grasp of climate science nor his scientific credentials. In Appendix 3 to his paper Lindzen includes a Holdren op-ed from the Boston Globe, August 4, 2008 Titled: Convincing the climate-change skeptics. Full paper is here.
I thought it might be interesting to examine Holdren's writing and grasp of climate science, since I am mentioned in his Op-Ed as an Internet blogger without any climate science credentials. But, the last time I checked, I have not lost my ability to read scientific papers, do my own BS analysis, and do some thinking which I share with readers for their own analysis.
Holdren's words are in italics, mine are in plain type.
I wonder what Holdren thinks is a Few? By definition: a few(a): more than one but indefinitely small in number. What is Holdren's small number? Ten perhaps, maybe twenty, possibly sixty, or an hundred, perhaps six hundred and fifty. Here is link to 650 scientist and their qualifications that do not believe in human caused global warming. Is 650 more than a few? I think so.
Here is a partical list of skeptical blogs, more than a few? I think so.
William M. Briggs
Climate Audit
Climate Change Facts
Climate Change Fraud
Climate Police
Climate Resistance
Climate Scam
Climate Science
CO2 Science
Friends of Science
Global Climate Scam
Global Warming Heretic
Global Warming Hoax
Global Warming Skeptic
Greenie Watch
Bruce Hall
Warwick Hughes
Lucia Liljegren
Jennifer Marohasy
Warren Meyer
Maurizio Morabito
Luboš Motl
Tom Nelson
Newsbusters climate
Planet Gore
Roger Pielke Sr.
Fred Singer
David Stockwell
Philip Stott
Anthony Watts
World Climate Report
Then we are treated to Holdren's sketical straw man:
All three positions are represented among the climate-change skeptics who infest talk shows, Internet blogs, letters to the editor, op-ed pieces, and cocktail-party conversations. The few with credentials in climate-change science have nearly all shifted in the past few years from the first category to the second, however, and jumps from the second to the third are becoming more frequent. All three factions are wrong, but the first is the worst. Their arguments, such as they are, suffer from two huge deficiencies.
First, they have not come up with any plausible alternative culprit for the disruption of global climate that is being observed, for example, a culprit other than the greenhouse-gas buildups in the atmosphere that have been measured and tied beyond doubt to human activities. (The argument that variations in the sun's output might be responsible fails a number of elementary scientific tests.)
And what are those elementary scientific tests? We do not know because Holdren fails to provide any clues. Is this science, or politics?
What? Well perhaps Holdren can explain why temperature are going down while CO2 is going up, since has has such a clear understanding of energy flow in the atmosphere.
Ah, the consensus argument. Now remove the billions of climate change research funding and who will be signing up for human caused global warming? The current warming and cooling are natural cycles. They will will soon be requesting funds to study the transition to a colder world.
Really? Could it be that Republican climate skeptic are thinkers instead of Democratic feelers. And what about those international deniers like Steve McIntyre (Canada), Ross McKitrick (Canada) Benny Peiser (UK), Jennifer Marohasy (Australia), Bob Carter (Australia), Warwick Hughes (Australia), Dr Vincent Gray (New Zealand), Chris de Freitas (Australia), Lubos Motl (Czech Republic ), and Philip Stott (UK) are they Republicans too?
That is too easy, McCain is a political opportunist who was looking for moderate votes who according to the polls were warmers. Without Palin on the ticket, Obama would have won with a landslide. McCain was not a true conservative candidate. Anyone that would buy into the global warming crap lacks the necessary intelligence to lead. When the data shows cooling and leaders claim warming, how can you trust them to be effective leaders?
I wonder if Holdren has noted that the EU at the latest global warming conferences has adopted the Bush position that CO2 ceilings should voluntary not mandatory . Bush was right, McCain was wrong, as is Barack Obama.
Really. In the real world temperatures are below what the models forecast as hysterical global warming. And, in the past ten year there has not been any significant warming, and in the past two years the temperatures have cooled.
Now I ask you, would you call a Scientific Advisor that ignores real world facts a scientific crackpot? Me too.