The Former Editor of the Union ( FUE) takes every opportunity to bash the current Editor and Publisher of The Union on his blog, often using Russ Steele and George Rebane as the club. This morning he takes yet again another opportunity to bash Jeff Ackerman with a critique of Jeff’s latest column Radical left and right are squeezing out the middle . The FUE claims The Union is moving to the right and part of his proof is Russ and George can be found on the editorial page once a month.
1. Hiring “neo-conservative” bloggers Russ Steele and George Rebane to write a monthly column. Those two are just what the E&P purports to reject: “Right-wingers” who shout back if you disagree with you and resort to insults if you disagree. In short, these two are community dividers, not uniters, according to many long-timers here. One or both write that Obama is a socialist, global warming is a hoax and they mock Democratic policies. They also are big supporters of CABPRO, a conservative group that has divided the community in the past. Yet no local counterviews are provided asTo be fair and balance, here is my critique of the FUE’s claims:
monthly columnists.
1) George and Russ are not “neo-conservatives” We have never been former liberals or socialists who move to the right. We have been on the right side of issues from day one on our blogs. defines neocon as a “moderate political conservatism espoused or advocated by former liberals or socialists.”
US History Encyclopedia: Neoconservatism
Neoconservatism was primarily an intellectual movement of Cold War liberal Democrats and democratic socialists who moved rightward during the 1970s and 1980s.I can assure you, and the FUE, that we were none of the above.
2) We were not hired. We volunteered to write for The Union editorial page if they would give a reference to our blogs, so we could expand on the issues, as 750 word limit with no graphs, charts or pictures constrains the depth of discussion the presentation of supporting facts. Where are the left wing counter points of views? I have written to Don Pelton and Anna Haynes several times and suggested they consider volunteering as liberal editorial writers at the Union. I am not sure why some of our local liberals have not stepped up to the challenge and volunteered. It would be great fun to get a back and forth dialog going on the editorial page.
3) The FUE is always writing crap like this: “In short, these two are community dividers, not uniters, according to many long-timers here.” But, then he never gives any names for those anonymous “long-timers.” Are these anonymous “long-timers” just some of the FUE’s liberal cronies. Who are these anonymous people? The FUE is critical of anonymous posters on blogs, but uses anonymous sources. Why is that?
4) The FUE got one thing right. We think that President Obama is a Socialist. Something Obama validates every day by his action. He is nationalizing business and seeks to nationalize our health care. Are these not the acts of a socialist! Perhaps the FUE can prove me wrong.
5) As for global warming being a hoax. Let me be clear! The world is warming, but it is not warming because of human generated carbon dioxide, it is still recovering from the Little Ice Age. The facts are clear, see the chart below.
The hoax is that human are responsible for global warming. Perhaps the FUE can present some DATA that proves me wrong. Computer models are not DATA, they are what ever the computer programmer wants them to be.
6) Yes, we support CABPRO. The Executive Directors often publishes some of our blog posts in the CABPRO Newsletter. Everyone is a divider that does not agree with the FUE. Why should we compromise our conservative principles, just to be liked by the FUE and his anonymous cronies.Consider this. Pushed left by the FUE, The Union is just rebounding to the center. I am proud to be part of the the process, helping The Union return to the center by give a conservative perspective.