James Hoggan from the DeSmogBlog blog promotes his own book in a post on YubaNet. His main theme is that industry has been funding the Crusade to Deny Global Warming. Yet some of the greatest critics of the global warming hoax have been Steve McIntyre at Climate Audit and Anthony Watts at Watts Up With That, who have not take a penny from any of the DeSmogBlog usual suspects.
On the other hand reading in Red Hot Lies, by Chris Horner we discovered that the DeSmogBlog is funded by a company selling CO2 emission allowance. It is vital that this company keep the CO2 warming hoax going or the business is out of business. Here are some excerpts on the DeSmogBlog from Chris Hornor's Red Hot Lies (citations omitted):
Given the standard now set by the global warming industry, is it not appropriate to ponder aloud why the skeptic-smearing, ad hominem DeSmogBlog received “a huge donation” of as much as $300,00053 “to start and operate”54 the website and public relations operation? This came from the past-president of and presumably still significant stake-holder in NETeller, “a firm that desperately needs more climate scare for their waning trade of hot air (CO2 emission allowances),” as one critic has noted.55 This benevolent donor, one John Lefebvre, is also currently a guest of the federal government’s correctional officers as a consequence of certain business transactions, a fact that certainly would be of great interest had he instead cast his lot with the climate optimists.So, if your decide to read the Crusade to Deny Global Warming, you might want to keep your salt shaker handy and then pop over to Climate Audit, Watts Up With That, or The Climate Skeptic for some untarnished truth about the global warming hoax.
Of course, revealing that the greens’ agenda is some big business’s agenda simply prompts name calling of a different sort by the greens: “responsible.” Besides, isn’t it far nobler to be motivated by the belief that people are pollution in addition to mere money than to be seemingly driven by financial interests alone?
DeSmogBlog, which is dedicated to claiming that climate skeptics are paid shills, happens to be run by James Hoggan and Associates, a PR agency that actually received the $300-large from the NETeller executive. His PR firm represents “alternative energy” companies, as well. Adding to the conflicts, Hoggan is also chair of the board of directors for the David Suzuki Foundation, a radical environmental activist group run by a man who — ironically — calls for climate skeptics to join Lefebvre in jail. This spin machine is aimed at discrediting skeptics.
Further confusing matters, it seems that whenever those who disagree with DeSmogBlog received corporate support, it proves that their opinions are bought, as part of an industry campaign to delude you. Terence Corcoran captured their argument in the Financial Post, “It’s all a corporate scam, they claim [of the enormous ‘skeptical’ community of scientists]. ‘There are people,’ says Mr. Hoggan, a veteran self-promoting pro in the PR business, ‘mainly people who are getting paid by oil and coal interests, and [some] who are just basically ideologues, who are trying to confuse the public about climate change.’ Says Mr. Suzuki: ‘The skeptics are a small group known for their support of corporations like the fossil fuel industry. In fact, many are receiving money directly from the industry.’”
So, one’s supporters dictate one’s opinions. Funny, I was thinking the same thing.