The local greens are wondering why Nevada County is not on this list of renewable energy projects.
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced the first comprehensive list of 244 proposed renewable energy projects that could produce up to 69,925 MW of clean energy annually. These proposed projects throughout the state include solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and small hydro facilities and will help move California towards achieving the renewable energy goal of 33% by 2020.One has to ask where would Nevada County fit on this list? Solar? We get 250 days of sun shine a year, but where would we put major solar farm? Would you want to live next door to a solar farm? Wind? Are there any Nevada County ridge tops suitable for these bird shredders? I do not know of any geothermal vents, but we do have some hot spring in the area, perhaps we can drill? Biomass? With snow in the woods in winter could we provide a reliable year round supply of biomass to the generator boilers. I am sure that a biomass generator with a large storage yard would be welcome in most of our local neighborhoods, especially if it was to save the planet. Small Hydro? Good idea, we have several dams and power houses that are up for re-licensing. Perhaps we could raise the dams and story more water for power in the summer, instead of breaching them for the salmon runs.
I think the County is really lucky not to be on this list of rent seeking power projects that will required government subsidies to survive. Once it becomes clear to tax payers that global warming really is a hoax and there is no need to save the planet from rising CO2 they will turn on the rent paying politicians and the subsidies will stop. Every survey shows less and less support to the global warming hoax. With a little luck Nevada County will not be stuck with a renewable energy albatrosse, except maybe for some larger water storage facilities for power and recreation. No subsidies need, they are would be self supporting.