Who is going to watching the climate fraudster's in Copenhagen? Here is a list of bloggers who are covering COP15:
KQED Climate Watch will be following California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on "Subnational Day." He will be rallying governors, mayors, provincial leaders and other subnational players, to continue their own progress toward greenhouse gas emissions and not wait for national governments and international bodies to take action. They will also be hanging out with NASA climatologist James Hansen on KQED's Forum program. Hansen was the original climate whistle-blower, who claimed that the Bush administration was muzzling climate scientist. (Note according to NEXIS/LEXIS Hansen was interviewed 1,400 times while be muzzled.) Details here.
Pajamas TV: Countdown to Copenhagen! Get Set for Exclusive PJTV Coverage of the UN Conference. Preview here.
The Mosman Daily: Josh Wyndham-Kidd will blog live from the Copenhagen conference. Josh in a twenty something Australian. Details here.
REDD: Chris Cosslett is blogging on REDD Issues (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries) here.
Whitewashing Climategate: Tory Aardvark will be blogging about the attempts to white wash Climategate at Copenhagen here.
The Heritage Foundation is keeping a close eye on the Copenhagen Conference, and two of its experts, Ben Lieberman and Steven Groves, will be among a handful of conservatives on site for the proceedings. They have already authored several articles and videos on the conference, and they will be video blogging from Copenhagen. You can follow them at Heritage’s Copenhagen Consequences Web site.