Spain adopted going green as an economic strategy before California, and Spain's unemployment is now 20% according to recent reports. Looking to Europe for inspiration Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger promoted and signed AB32, Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. Dennis Avery, from the Hudson Institute writes in Center for Global Food Issues.
It is time for California voters to suspend AB32 and create more jobs in California. The first step is to sign the California Jobs Initiative and then vote yes once the petition is on the ballot. Get your copy of the petition HERE or HERE.“California has created only 48,000 “green jobs” over the 13 years from 1995 to 2008. Green jobs still make up only 1 percent of California’s economy. Worse, says State Senator Bob Dutton, the high energy taxes needed to create those few green jobs are at the same time killing millions of jobs in all sorts of industries across the state. California’s unemployment has soared from less than 5 percent to more than 12 percent since Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the California Global Warming Solutions Act three years ago.
The governor promised that the global warming tax would “create a whole new industry to pump up our economy, a clean-tech industry that creates jobs, sparks new cutting-edge technology and will be a model for the rest of the nation and the rest of the world.” Instead, the global warming taxes will drive up the prices of all non-renewable energy—as they were intended to do.
California taxpayers will now pay for wind turbines and solar panels made in China, while California has lost more than 600,000 manufacturing jobs. Business relocation specialist Joseph Vranich says he’s working full time to help companies flee California’s rising costs and restrictions. He warns that no one is calling about moving into the Golden State. …
H/T to Heliogenic Climate Change