OMG, the local left and their fellow travelers think the Tea Party Patriots are nothing but a bunch of “redneck angry old people” who are tarnishing Nevada County’s image. Here is a quote from Pelline’s blog:
“The image that the tea party in this part of the county gives to visitors is something that should be considered by business and community leaders. If people begin to think of this area as a ‘backwater’ filled with rednecks and angry old people, then tourism will decline and potential new residents will find a different place to live.
“Of course, if you like the status quo and don’t mind gradual decline, then you should encourage this political and polarizing posturing which doesn’t seem to provide any substantive or productive value in the form of meaningful governance solutions.”
I marched in the 4th of July Parade with the Tea Party Patriots, and we where cheers by the majority of parade watchers. They were clapping, whistling, and cheering as we passed by. Yes, there were about 10-12 protesters out of the hundreds of citizens lining Broad Street. If we were cheered, rather than jeered, I would say that the presence of the Tea Party Patriots, the largest unit in the whole parade, was a huge contribution to our 4th of July celebration, and to the community.
In discussion with local organizers, the number of people coming to Tea Party events are growing rapidly, with over 2,000 members. Membership growth is becoming a real challenge to the leadership team. Everyone wants to do something, to take action, but this energy needs to be focused on specific issues. This is a challenge that local leaders have recognized and they are working hard provide the essential organization and leadership.
The next big Tea Party Patriot event is a booth at the Nevada County Fair. See you there!
Exit Question: As the home of a national Tea Party Patriot leader, is this a positive or negative image for Nevada County? Why?