Nationwide, a recent Pew Research Center survey showed Republicans with an edge over Democrats — 44 percent to 36 percent — among independents. At this point in 2006, independents backed Democrats 47 percent to 32 percent.
Liberal, progressive and Democrats of all strips are taking every opportunity the attack the Tea Parties. I say multiple Tea Parties, because they have organized into multiple national organizations, with the Tea Party Patriots being the largest.
Much of the complaints seem to come from the signs used at Tea Party rallies made up of multiple of unassociated individuals. Each person makes up their own signs and come to the rally. It is not like a protest organized by Code Pink or SEIU, where the leadership decides the message and then have commercial printers make up the signs. Tea Party leaders have little control over signs individuals bring, but they have asked people to leave when they arrive with offensive signs with inappropriate language. The Tea Party Leaders give advice, but it hard to control individual volunteers.
Yes, it a free society where free speech is part of our culture, and their maybe some signs that might offend our thin skinned local liberals. But, why it always the Tea Party signs that cause the liberals emotional problems. Where were our locals when George Bush was being portrayed as Hitler? Right silent!
Double standard. I think so! As the independents move more toward Republicans, the attacks on The Tea Party will grow. Mark my words!