Russ Steele
By now I am sure you have read in the newspaper or on the Drudge Report, or perhaps saw a report in the lame stream media that according to NOAA from Jan to Jun 2010 our planet was the warmest ever. This report being accompanied by this misleading graphic showing the temperature anomaly of January – June 2010, when compared to the 1971-2000 base period for each of the 5×5 degree grid square around the globe.(Click for a larger image,)
Were you concerned, or did you dismiss this graphic as just more government propaganda. If you did, congratulation you were correct.
Many of the those big red circles on the NOAA graphic do not have any weather stations inside the 5x5 degree grid square. No data in the grid, but NOAA decided to put some heat in there anyway. Who would know?
NOAA is making false claims of temperatures increases, in some case up to 4 degrees where none exist. They are creating heat. If this disinformation came from a pharmaceutical or cosmetics company the government would sue them for faults advertising.
Anthony Watt at
Watts Up With That has a detailed analysis of the missing data in the grid squares in this report:
NOAA’s Jan-Jun 2010 Warmest Ever: Missing Data, False Impressions.Now that you know the facts, remember California passed AB32 to reduce these made up NOAA temperatures by forcing you to reduce your carbon footprint. By canceling another trip to grandmothers house, thus reducing your carbon foot print, you could help lower those made up NOAA temperatures according to CARB.
It is time to put CARB and AB32 to sleep.
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