Russ Steele
The Legislative Analyst’s Office has analyzed the Proposition on the November Ballot and found that the fiscal impact of Prop 23, Yes on California Jobs, will have a net positive impact on the state and local economic growth. Details here.
Summary of Legislative Analyst’s Estimate of Net State and Local Government Fiscal Impact
Fiscal Impact: Likely modest net increase in overall economic activity in the state from suspension of greenhouse gases regulatory activity, resulting in a potentially significant net increase in state and local revenues.
[My emphasis added]
Our local economy is in desperate need of some significant net increase in revenue. I have sent the attached Resolution to the Board of Supervisors and City Councils asking they adopt this Sample Resolution in support of Proposition 23 Prop 23 will suspend AB32 until our economy recovers.
I have also asked local Chambers and the ERC Boards of Directors adopt the same Resolution. The Nevada County Contractors Association and the Tea Party Patriots are also considering support of this Prop 23 Support Resolution. Stay Tuned for feedback and results. Several organizations have reported they putting the Resolution on their August agendas.
Download Resolution Here: Download Local_Government_Resolution_SAMPLE_3-22-10Exit Question: Will your organization support this Prop 23 Support Resolution?