I remember one of the regular segments on the morning TV Shows was a segment on the best books to take to the beach for summer reading. They were usual called “light reading,” as one would not be expected to stretch their brains while sitting under a beach umbrella, after all it is summer vacation.
Since my birthday is in the summer, my summer reading often comes wrapped in gift wrapped as a present. This year I had too choices for my summer read:
My friends George and JoAnn Rebane gave me the four volumes of Human Action, by Ludwig von Mises. A Treatise on Economics.I started on Human Action while watching our grandkids play on the beach at Lake Tahoe. Human Action is not light summer reading. Every sentence must be parsed and read carefully. Skip over one or two sentences and your are soon lost in the complex economic theory of individual positive action and choices under existing circumstances to reach an end goal, by seeking the best solution while avoiding undesired consequences.
Ellen’s sister and brother-in-law sent Smell, as the title suggests a book all about the sense of smell.
I think Human Action is best read in the library in a big leather chair in front to the fire place with some classical music in the background, a glass of wine, pad of paper and trusty fountain pen. It is not light summer beach reading.
However, I keep chipping a way at the pages seeking some understanding of the economic mess we find our country and state in right now. Governments are prone to tinker with the free market system as the governing elites attempt to enhance their own power and wealth, all in the name of helping the working classes. More on this subject as Ludwig von Mises lights my path to understanding.