“We The People . . . “ every time I hear that phrase from the Declaration of Independence I know why this is such a great nation. Last night we joined a group 75-100 like minded people, including our friends George and JoAnn Rebane, on a hill top venue at the Lucchesi Winery to view the “Tea Party” documentary. The view from the winery was spectacular, and the wine a very nice complement to the view.
While we waited for the sun to set, their was ample opportunity to discuss the wine and share ideas with our friends and neighbors. As the November 2010 election is just around the political corner there was a lot to discuss, to do a little planning for our next tea party, and collect some action items for our to-do-lists.
Here is a view of the early birds:
The Tea Party documentary was introduced by Stan Meckler from the Nevada County Tea Party Patriots. It is an in-depth chronology of how the various Tea Party groups came in to being, with profiles of the some of the east coast instigators and coordinators, culminating in a detailed review of the September 12, 2009 Tea Party in Washington DC. Some of the west coast events and coordinators will we added to future additions of the DVD.
Speakers from both sexes of all colors from black, brown, white and all the shades in between, spoke on restoring fiscal responsibility, limited government, free markets, respect for our Constitution and Bill of Rights. It was truly an inspiring experience to see the details, with visual evidence dispelling the myth promoted by our local progressives that the Tea Party is just nothing but a bunch of racists.
I highly recommend that every one see this documentary of the Tea Party and then consider joining “We the People” in restoring this nation to the greatness that we all desire. Check out the Nevada County Tea Party Patriot web site for the next showing of this documentary.
See you all at the next Tea Party!