Russ Steele
I am sorry Mister Middle of the Road, but this is an up or down vote. Yes or No! There are no nice liberal nuances in this proposition, you are either for protecting existing jobs in California, or you are for the promise of green job (oops now clean tech) and billions of dollars of fees that will be collected from business under AB32 according to the LAO.
Where will those fees go, they will go to rent seeking NGOs promising to to reduce CO2, and for the pet projects of legislators who supported AB32. That support was not free, it came with a commitment to support their pet projects once CARB starts collecting fees. If we had a state budget, you would find a line item for $86 million in fees to be collected under AB32 next year. Who do you think are going to pay those fees? Right, the citizens of this state!
Now where is the nuance in Prop 23? Your are either for more fees, or you are against more fees. Which is it? Yes or No on Prop 23? My way or the highway!