Russ Steele
The Sierra Business Council is now endorsing a web site put up by the rent seeking organizations that have benefited from California environmental law and were poised to benefit even more with the full implementation of AB32.
The SBC has promoting the propaganda that is spewing from starting with this statement:
“Two Texas oil companies are taking control of California’s ballot to repeal the state’s leading clean energy and clean air laws."
This is an emotional appeal with no factual relevance. AB32 was written to control green house gases, mainly CO2 it was not intended to repeal any of the others clean air regulation currently on the books in California. Those clean air and energy laws that are on books now would stay on the books. The only impact of Prop 23 is to suspend AB32 implementation of:
- The proposed cap-and-trade program currently under development by ARB.
- The low carbon fuel standard already adopted by ARB.
- The already-adopted ARB regulation that enables the state to collect fees from high GHG emitters.
- The 33 percent renewable electricity standard currently under development by ARB and the California Energy Commission (CEC).
- The landfill methane control measure regulation already adopted by ARB.
- The heavy-duty GHG emission reduction measure (aerodynamic efficiency)already adopted by ARB.
- The green building standards already adopted by the Building Standards Commission.
- The mandatory commercial recycling requirements currently under development by ARB.
Prop 23 will not impact laws already being implemented under other legislation passed by the Legislature:
- Land use policies to promote reductions in vehicle miles traveled enacted by SB 375.
- Emission standards on new vehicles, enacted by AB 1493.
- Energy efficiency standards on buildings and appliances.
- Diesel retrofit regulations adopted as part of ARB’s Diesel Risk Reduction Plan.
- Nor is it to block federal provisions for controlling greenhouse gases.
Who is behind the Dirty Energy Web
Site theme being promoted by SBC? It was the
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights which was started by Van Jones the avowed Communist who was Obama’s Green Jobs Czar.
Van Jones is the founder of both the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and Green For All. He is the author of the New York Times Bestseller The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Solve Our Two Biggest Problems (Harper One 2008), which is endorsed by Nancy Pelosi, Tom Daschle and Al Gore. Most recently, Van served as the Special Adviser for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation for the White House Council on Environmental Quality until September 2009.
Jones was fired by President Obama when Glenn Beck showed videos of Van Jones declaring he was a communist and was willing to destroy capitalism by using the power of environmental laws. Since the SBC is promoting the dirty oil theme created by an organization lead by an avowed Communist, can we assume that they support Van Jones philosophy for destroying capitalism? Or, have the just made a mistake in their zeal to promote more government funded green job grants for their organization under AB32. I think they just made a mistake.
The SBC and Frisch are not impartial to Prop23 and AB32 issues. AB32 promoted legislation is their bread and butter. They are just singing for their supper in this latest propaganda blitz.
Steven Frisch writes:
Sierra Business Council is opposing Proposition 23 because it moves all of us backwards and detracts from the vision of a more sustainable future and a more sustainable regional economy. Please click here to learn more about the economic rationale that we believe supports No on Prop. 23.
You can help protect California’s clean energy standards. Please take a few seconds to join the campaign alongside Sierra Business Council against Prop. 23.
Exit Question: Is campaigning the proper for role of a government funded non-profit agency?
Bonus Question: (Removed)
Editor's Note: I have edited the above to improve the accuracy of my remarks. The first "Dirty Energy"' site was developed by the Ella Baker Center and was on their web site. Subsequently, others have adopted the theme on a different web site. Now I cannot find a direct link between the two sites other than similar wording. They used to share an IP address, now they are different. Perhaps a stretch too far?
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