Russ Steele
The results of a Business Pulse Poll published in Los Angeles Business indicate success for Prop23.A majority of voters plan to vote yes on Proposition 23, which would relax emissions standards in relation to the jobless rate in California, according to the latest Business Pulse survey . . .
This week's question was: "Will you vote for Prop. 23, ending gas emission mandates until the jobless rate goes under 5.5%?" The results broke down as follows:
Yes -- 58 percent
No -- 35 percent
Don't know -- 5 percent
Read more: Poll: Most will vote yes on Prop. 23 - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals
Do not rest yet, the battle is just getting stated. The opposition to Prop 23, has millions provided by Wall Street hedge funds for misleading ads about the benefits of AB32.Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association President Jon Coupal exposes who is funding the campaign to stop Prop. 23. Enron executives envisioned a government-created carbon trading market as their next major profit center. Although Enron itself no longer exists, opportunistic Wall Street hedge fund managers who stand to benefit from a carbon tax on the air we breathe are fueling the campaign to stop our efforts to save the jobs of regular Californians.
On one side we have big oil and on the other wall street crooks opportunists . The full report on how these crooks opportunists are going to take you to the cleaners by trading carbon is at the Flash Report.
Exit Question: Which would you rather have an empty bank account, or a full tank of gas?VOTE YES for JOBS, VOTE YES on PROP 23