The whole nation is watching California and how the citizens of this state vote on Prop 23, an issue which is vital to the future of California’s economy. if California votes YES on PROP 23 it will be a shock wave that will ripple across the country. The left and the EPA are getting nervous.
Here is an example of their concerns on KQED Climate Watch:
The ranks of officials publicly opposing Proposition 23 seem to be growing. Earlier this month we reported that Energy Secretary Steven Chu said passing the measure would be a "terrible setback" for California's clean energy leadership and that the state's Air Resources Board Chairman Mary Nichols called Prop 23 a "very serious threat" to the core programs of AB 32 and related regulatory programs.
Today, at a meeting of the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association in San Francisco, federal EPA Administrator Jared Blumenfeld urged attendees to vote against the measure.Doing so, he said, "is certainly what you should do."
Blumenfeld said that the passage of Prop. 23 would send a "terrible and false" message to to the rest of the country by linking climate change mitigation legislation with a poor economy.
How much clearer can we get, according to the Legislative Analyst Office this is all about the negative economy impact from the collection of billions of fees from businesses.
Thus, the suspension of AB 32 could preclude the collection by the state of potentially billions of dollars in new allowance-related payments from businesses.
Who do you think is going to pay those “billions of dollars in new allowance-related payments from business”? Right, they will be passed down to California consumers. Are you ready to pay those fees?
Do you think that piling on more draconian regulations will have a positive impact our our economy? These regulations are already having an impact, as as business are leaving California seeking more lower cost power sources, but even more importantly more reliable power.
It is clear the EPA and the Washington Elite are getting nervous that California is going to reject AB32, but voting for Proposition 23. This will eliminate the opportunity for CARB to collect billions of fees from California business and in reality from the citizen of this state.VOTE YES on PROP 23. VOTE YES to SAVE California JOBS