Russ Steele
Today is the fourth anniversary of Schwarzenegger's signing of Assembly Bill 32, in which California in 2006 became the first state in the nation to adopt such comprehensive greenhouse gas reduction measures. If the legislation survives the November ballot, it will be a significant part of Schwarzenegger's legacy.
I certainly would not want part of my legacy based on the ideas that CO2 is responsible for global warming, or climate change, or oops climate disruption. The planet has warmed and cooled in a natural cycle and his legacy legislation was crafted and signed during a warm phase of the Pacific Ocean and exceptional high level of sun activity. Now, the Pacific is cooling and the sun has become exceptionally quiet, with credible projections that we are head for a Grand Minimum. History has taught us that Grand Minimums have produced a much cooler earth.
I predict that in 10 years that Schwarzenegger's AB32 legacy will the laughing stock of the scientific and political community. We can save him this embarrassment by voting YES on PROP 23, putting AB32 on hold for 10 years.