Russ Steele
Doug Hoffman at The Resilient Earth has the details on a new study showing wind turbines continue to shred birds in California’s Altamont Pass. The wind turbines in the Pass reportedly kill 880 to 1,300 birds of prey each year, including up to 116 golden eagles, 300 red-tailed hawks, 380 burrowing owls, and additional hundreds of other raptors including kestrels, falcons, vultures, and other owl species. (Click for a larger image.)
Hoffman writes:
If advocates for green, renewable energy are to be believed, wind farms do not threaten endangered bird species like eagles, hawks and owls. A recent article in Science implies that problems at the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (APWRA) in California have been reduced by spacing turbines farther apart and removing turbines from problematic sites. But on-site scientific studies have revealed that the kill rate for all birds, and for birds of prey in particular, have not been reduced and may have even increased. It seems that some eco-activists are so committed to expanding wind power as a way to fight global warming that they are turning a blind eye to the slaughter in the skies. How can these duplicitous greens be trusted if they are willing to drive endangered species to extinction in the name of reduced CO2 emissions?
Read the rest of Doug’s article here at The Resilient Earth blog. We are killing golden eagles to stop human caused global warming, a non-existing problem. Here is some real hypocrisy for you to think about. The same environment elites, academic rent seekers and venture capitalist who spent $31 million to defeat Prop 23 seem to be OK with the shredding of birds to pad their pockets under AB32. Follow the money.
(Updated with photo that did not show up)