Russ Steele
Our local lefty, masquerading as middle of the road blogger, is supporting the idea that the future of our world is being threatened by global warming, and to support his case he uses an editorial in the San Diego Union-Tribune: World must act on global warming
In an editorial on Sunday, the San Diego Union-Tribune agrees that California can be a leader with a bottom-up approach.
“The severity of climate change, and the need to do something about it, is well-understood in San Diego and throughout California.
As we keep reading, we learn that the Editorial Board is just a bunch of warmers who have been drinking the global warming cool aid for a long time.
This editorial page has long accepted the science that shows global warming is real, that it is at least in part a result of man-made pollutants in the atmosphere and that something must be done about it.
The Editorial Board goes on pointing to a study by the San Diego Foundation on all the bad things that global warming will bring to San Diego.
The San Diego Foundation recently did a comprehensive regional assessment of climate change impacts to San Diego County. The foundation estimated that by 2050 local sea levels will rise 18 inches if no changes are made in global carbon dioxide gas emissions. This would flood many areas of Mission Beach and other low-lying areas of our coastline.
There is more unadulterated carp in the study, but for now lets just focus in the sea level rise. Art Horn, a Meteorologist, writes in The Crown Jewel of Global Warming is a Fake at ICECAP:
In its latest 2007 climate assessment report number 4 the IPCC states that sea level increased at a rate of about 13.5 inches during the 20th century. This number is considerably higher than the 6.7 inch per century rate derived from tidal gauges around the world. David Burton found the rate of rise from tide gauges to be only 2.4 inches per century. Data from the TOPEX/Poseidon satellite mission launched in 1992 indicated a 12.2 inch per century rate based on data from 1993 to 2005. In its latest report the IPCC has predicted sea level will rise as little as 7 inches to as much as 118 inches (ten feet) by the year 2100. Some are predicting much greater rises. Recently Fen Montaigne a senior editor at Yale Environment 360 wrote that if the west Antarctic ice sheet melts sea level will rise 16 to 20 feet. Al Gore is predicting a 20 foot sea level rise by 2100. Dr. James Hansen of NASAs Goddard Institute for Space Studies is predicting the possibility of an 82 foot rise by 2100. These frightening predictions are the crown jewel of the global warming establishment.
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