Russ Steele
Our local left wing blogger has ask and important question that deserves an answer: Why is GV not jumping to appoint a sustainability leader?
The City of Grass Valley has an ideal opportunity to embrace the future and wipe out perceptions of its “old guard” politics, but is it dropping the ball?
I have learned that Apple Center executive director and Nevada City Farmer’s market director Mali Dyck, among others, has applied for the vacant planning commission post. Grass Valley Council member Yolanda Cookson, among others, encouraged Mali to apply.
Instead of jumping at the opportunity, the council is seeking more applicants before it makes a final decision.
Maybe it is because this sustainable leader has failed to produce the promised sustainability at the Apple Center. The Center received a $40,000 grant, plus free rent for two year from the Private Industry Council of Butte County to open the Apple Sustainability Center. How many more grants will be required to keep the Center open?
Mali has pragmatic, needed skills too that others don’t: She wrote the application that landed a $40,000 grant from the Butte County Private Industry Council to open the center, a highly competitive process.
The grant application promised to make the Apple Center self sustaining by July 2011 by creating a commercial worm farm. A farm that was to produce 2 jobs in 2009, 3 in 2010 and 6 in 2011. Well the worm farm is still a dream and so are the jobs, and only the PIC knows how the money was spent. The only performance requirements in the contract agrement was to submit status reports and invoices on schedule.
Maybe the failure to meet the basic grant requirements, which included a Business Plan that would fail simple logic and economic analysis, may have spoken louder to the Grass Valley City Council than the praise heaped on the applicant by our left leaning blogger.
Mali is the kind of person that Grass Valley needs to help think about diversifying its own economy. She will compliment, not replace, the current mindset.
While I think that the Grass Valley City Council should seek young people for the planning commission, they may want to seek some candidates with a proven track record of exceptional performance in the private sector, not another rent seeking grant writer.
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