Russ Steele
The Cal Watchdog, has a few thoughts on CARB’s Mary Nichols, she has worked for Jerry Brown in the past and will most likely be working for him again as the head of CARB, the number one job killing agency in California. John Seiler, writing at the Cal Watchdog:
Consider the revealing quote in this article about CARB Commissar Mary Nichols, concerning CARB’s Friday [18th of Dec] decision to impose jobs-killing cap-and-trade edicts:
Nichols noted concerns that the new regulations and its subsequent costs could burden the state’s economy, and that California is taking action while similar requirements do not exist nationwide. But, she said, there is more to lose by waiting than by acting now.
“Indeed, adoption of a program like this is probably California’s best insurance against future recessions,” Nichols said, adding that a cap-and-trade program will maintain the state’s status as a magnet for investments in green technology.
She doesn’t care about you, your job, or California today, which is in deep recession. She imperiously “noted concerns” about lost jobs. She only cares about imposing the jobs-killing, climate Lysenkoism ideology behind AB 32 and the Stalinist “cap and trade” scheme on California.
The commissar says it’ll all pay off, somehow, some day, in preventing “future recessions.”
Centralized planning by environmentalist has not worked out in Europe, one has to wonder why will it work in California?