Russ Steele
As I have written many times, the consumer is going to end up holding the bag while the green tech industry robs them blind.
The Cal Watchdog has a stroy by Wayne Lusvardi about T.J. Rodgers, founder of Cypress Semiconductor, and an equity investor in Sun Power Solar where he made a return 24 times his initial $750,000 investment, partly due to government subsidies. However, T.J. Rodgers had some advice for the green tech industry at a Palm Springs Green Tech Summit.
T.J. Rodgers’ pointed out that California is unlikely to see any significant boom in green jobs: “Green jobs are almost all offshore – you ain’t gonna make them in Fremont (California), just ask Solyndra.”
Solyndra is a solar panel company that closed its California plant in November 2010 after receiving $535 million in Federal subsidies to build its factory. Solyndra was held up by President Obama as a model of home grown green tech industry. Solyndra’s green tech jobs are reportedly now being outsourced to China.
Wayne Lusvardi point out that Governor Brown contiues his quest to make consumers pay for California's green enegy conversion.
In July 2010, even the Obama-controlled Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) denied then-California Attorney General Jerry Brown’s appeal for Feed-In Tariffs (FITS) that would have shifted the high cost of green power development to electricity ratepayers. But Gov. Jerry Brown is in the process of stacking the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) with euphemistic “consumerists” in a possible attempt to save the state’s green power initiative by tacking the high cost of green power onto the backs of ratepayers. Modern-day indulgences will be mandated by the regulatory state.
There was one highly insighful quote in Lusvardi's aricle:
As pointed out long ago by California longshoreman and philosopher Eric Hoffer, environmentalism is a secularized religious movement “that starts out idealistic, then becomes a corporation, and eventually becomes a racket.”
It looks like Gov. Brown wants to replace former Gov. Schwarzenegger as the god father of the green energy racket.
[Emphasis was added]