Russ Steele
I wrote about Item 20 on the Board of Supervisors Agenda for 02-22-11 here and got beat up by our local lefties for questioning the approval of this marketing effort. Now there is a different issue. According to my understanding of the Brown Act all agenda items and supporting material are suppose to be available to the public 72 hours prior to the meeting when the Supervisors will be making a decision. Item 20 calls for Board approval of a Logo/Branding/Tourism Website.
20. Presentation by Switchback Public Relations and Marketing, Inc., Nevada County Strategic Tourism Plan-Marketing.
Approval of the Logo/Branding/Tourism Website.
The Blogging community been waiting for the new Logo and Marketing Plan to be posted to the County Web Site. So, far they have not been posted.
A regular reader of this blog sent a query to Switchback Public Relations and asked for a copy of the Logo and Marketing Plan and was informed by Switchback that they cannot give a copy to anyone prior to it's presentation to the Board of Supervisors.
I am not a lawyer, but it would seem to me that under the Brown Act the Logo and Marketing Plan are supporting material and should be make available for public review 72 hours prior to the Board meeting, especially if they plan to approve the Logo and Marketing plan as stipulated in the item 20 of the Agenda?
Exit Question: Will the BOS violate the Brown Act if they approve the new Logo/Branding/Tourism Web site tomorrow (Tuesday, 22 Feb 2010) with out public review?