Russ Steele
New Hampshire was of the ten members of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which was similar to the Western Climate Initiate that our former Governor Schwarzenegger was pushing for a regional cap-and-trade program for reducing greenhouse gases.
The Daily Caller has this news from New Hampshire, where we used to live and was one of our retirement home choices. Great people in New Hampshire, but I digress
“The New Hampshire House of Representatives today voted overwhelmingly — 246 to 104 — for New Hampshire to become the first state to repeal an up-and-running global warming cap-and-trade energy tax system. The state senate is expected to follow suit with a similarly veto-proof repeal.
Since 2008, New Hampshire has been one of the 10 members of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a power plant-only cap-and-trade system that holds quarterly auctions requiring electric utilities to buy carbon dioxide permits.
The overwhelming veto-proof, bipartisan vote today means that New Hampshire is now on a path to doing something that looked impossible just a couple years ago — repeal a cap-and-trade program. In the process, it could deal the death blow to cap and trade both regionally and nationally.”
When will the people of California wake up? The western states that initially signed up for the WCI, have now all scrambled for the exits, leaving Californiaia and some Canadian Province's shivering in the dark.
Now, after gaining some experience with the cost of cap-and-trade, Eastern states maybe abandoning the RGGI, starting with New Hampshire. I wrote about this possible New Hampshire vote here and the RGGI greenhouse slush funds here.
Exit Question: Will California finally wake up to the econmic costs of cap-and-trade?
H/T to Heliogenic Climate Change for the tip!