Russ Steele
Nevada City competed for the Google Broadband Award, and many of us participated in the 959595 Googlebit parade and video. CNet has the story: Kansas City, Kan., to be Google's broadband test bed
There's some rough news for Topeka, Kan., the city that courted Google's ultra-high-speed municipal broadband project by changing its name to Google. The Mountain View, Calif., tech giant announced Wednesday that the lucky city that gets to be its broadband guinea pig not only isn't Topeka, but it's Kansas City, Kansas--just an hour's drive away. Ouch.
More than 1,100 communities had applied since the call for applicants was announced about a year ago. Kansas City will first see the new developments next year, and Google is already looking for additional communities to join the test.
Read the rest of the story here. A link to 959595 Google which was Nevada City’s application web site is here.