Russ Steele
The Sac Bee Capital Alert has the story:
The bill, Senate Bill 469 by Sen. Juan Vargas, D-San Diego, would require proposed "superstore" projects to undergo an "economic impact report" before approval by local governments. It's the latest in a long-string of anti-big box bills; predecessors were vetoed by former Govs. Gray Davis and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I am all for economic impact reports, especially if they are done by a trustworthy third party. I think that economic impact reports should be required on all government business regulations, large and small business.
I would like to know, and all voters to know, how many jobs a regulation killed in the private sector and how many it created in the public sector to enforce the specific regulation.
For example, how many jobs did AB32 kill and how may tax payer funded government jobs were created to enforce compliance with the provisions of AB32?
If the useful idiots in Sacramento are going to demand "economic impact report" for WalMart Stores then I think the Tea Party should demand that all future government business regulations have an "economic impact report" competed before the Governor signs the bill. This would help the Governor decide if he wants to sign the bill. He will know how many jobs were saved, or killed, and a representative cost of enforcement. It would also give the voters a chance to see how many jobs the useful idiots in Sacramento killed and it can become a rallying cry for Tea Party candidates running against the incumbent Democrat who sponsored the job killing regulation.
Exit Question: Will we ever see economic impact reports on govenment regulaions?