Russ Steele
Governor brown signed State Senator Joe Simitian's (D-Palo Alto) bill to make enegy more expensive by mandating renewable energy use go from 20% to 33%. The question is how much more expensive is your electric bill going to be when we go to "33-by-20"? According to the California Air Resources Board it will result in a 19% increase over eight years. But, remember we already had a 20% mandate, that was already increasing PG&E customers bill by 25%. Now if we add the 19% we are at 44%, an almost 50% increase in electrical energy, but there is more cost on the way. This is going to hurt people on fixed incomes, but the real hit will be small business who must compete with companies from other states with lower energy cost. This will cost California jobs.
In addition to the increase in your energy prices, every thing you buy that took energy to produce in California, will increase in price as the energy costs are passed on to consumers. While the Democrats are having a feel good celebrations in Sacramento for passing and signing this bill, you are the one that will pay for it in the end, that is if you still have a job so you can pay the electric bill, and if you are still in California.