Russ Steele
The price of a barrel of crude is still about $100.00 but the price of gas and diesel are now flat or declining. Nevada County and California gas prices are starting to dip, while the US gas prices are essentially flat. On the other hand, US Diesel shows a sharp dip, while the Nevada County price show a smaller dip. US Diesel prices have started to decline.
The Court has ruled that CARB can go ahead with all the provision of AB32 except cap and trade. They have come up with other options for achieving their CO2 reduction goals, in addition to cap and trade. That means that CARB can now go forward with the Low Carbon Fuel Standard in 2012. We should see the a much larger departure between the US and CA price of gas. Stay tuned, as CARB is determined to destroy California’s economy trying to solve a non-existing problem. There is no significant global warming from human CO2 emissions.
Here are the weekly charts.
I have not found any good reason for the delcline in fuel prices, other than the inventory is going up and people are drive less, and filling up less. That has a long term economic impact on many communities that depend on tourism and commuters.
Exit Question: Why are fuel prices calling?