Russ Steele
The Sierra Club has written a letter to Governor Brown asking for a re-evaluation of AB32 Cap and Trade Rule, it is just not strong enough to kill real jobs over green jobs, and it is not enviromentally just. Read on:
We recommend that your administration re-evaluate the cap-and-trade rule adopted by the Air Resources Board at the end of last year. With your strong environmental record going back to the 1970s, and your experience with enforcing California's greenhouse gas laws as Attorney General, you are well-suited to the task of scrutinizing and revising the cap-and-trade rule adopted by the previous administration.
The rule has some serious flaws that will limit its effectiveness in reducing emissions and generating green jobs, and call into question its compliance with the environmental justice requirements of AB 32.
Excessive reliance on offsets could open up loopholes that undermine the very purposes of California's AB 32 cap on emissions. Curbing global warming will require a fundamental transformation of our energy economy, a task that cannot be outsourced to other countries.
You can read the rest of letter at the Sac Bee Capitol Alert. While the Sierra Club is concerned about out sourcing jobs to other countries, but not too much about outsourcing CA jobs to other states, as they raise the cost of business in California, forcing business to seek lower cost states, to insure they remain competitive.