Russ Steele
Anthony writes the paper has been accepted for publication in a peer reviewed journal. Ellen and I were some of the volunteers supporting this project, and are looking forward to publication.
After months of work, I’m pleased to announce that the paper that I have jointly written with several co-authors, including Dr. Roger Pielke Senior (who acted in the capacity as corresponding author) has run the peer review gauntlet and has been accepted.
Expect a full press release this week. I’m holding details until the University of Colorado press office has issued the official press release. As you all know, this project was done entirely by volunteers, with no budget, and there were no grants asked for nor provided.
That is something I am proud of, because it shows what citizen scientists can do that NOAA/NCDC couldn’t or wouldn’t, and taxpayers didn’t have to foot the bill. However, there is one last hurdle….
The hurdle . . . Anthony has to pay for the printing, and he wants to keep this a totally volunteer project and is asking for donations. I am sending a check. More details on making a donation here.
Update: (05-09-11, 08:00) Anthony writes his goal is met, no more donations required. If you have already donated, thanks for your support.