Russ Steele
C/Net has this story:
Though Google remains firmly on top of the search engine market, it's shed market share to Microsoft over the past year, according to data released last week by research firm Compete.
Looking at the overall search engine market from May 2010 to May 2011, Compete found that Google has lost close to 16 percent of its share, dropping to 63.6 percent from 73.9 percent. At the same time, Microsoft grew its share by 75 percent, jumping to 17 percent from 9.7 percent.
Once Google started funding a team of scientist dedicated to challenging "the deniers," of global warming, I switched to Bing as my primary search engine. Yes, I still use google some times, but it is no longer on my start up page. Bing is my start up paage every day. I am hoping that other rational people reject Google and their support for Al Gore religious cult of anthropogenic global warming.
Exit Question: Are you a Bing or Google search engine user? Both?