Russ Steele
The Cal Political News has the story:
On June 2 the California State Senate passed a new bill, SB 535, the California Communities Healthy Air Revitalization Trust Act, by state Sen. Kevin de Leon (D-Los Angeles). It is currently being heard in the Assembly.
It would require “at least” 10 percent of any revenue generated under the Cap and Trade portion of AB 32 that kicks in around 2012 to be used in “disadvantaged communities for greenhouse gas emission reduction projects, mitigation of health impact of climate change, and support for green collar jobs.”
As proposed, SB 535 would require air excise taxes or rents to be transferred from smoggy agricultural areas such as Visalia, Porterville, Fresno, Merced and Bakersfield to coastal low-income industrial communities that enjoy clean air, such as Oakland, Alameda, and Oxnard.
The auction of pollution credits under the Cap and Trade program is projected to generate a minimum of $100 million in the first year and higher amounts afterward. Under SB 535, $10 million would go toward green jobs in communities supposedly suffering from more pollution than other California communities.
And, you thought AB32 was all about saving the plant from global warming. No, it was about creating special interest slush funds, which you the tax payer are footing the bill. With cooling on the way, how much longer can these slush fund rent seeker push there CO2 global warming hoax on you? SB 535 is in the Assembly, let's hope we can de-rail this environmentalist robbery.