Russ Steele
Remember AB32, The Global Warming Solutions Act, which was to solve global warming and Prop 23 was arguing it was time to use some real science and not a bunch of fudged computer models to kill the states economy. While Mary Nichols was in Nevada City in 2010 to speak against Prop 23 and support AB32, she call the climate we were experiencing “climate weirding.” It was not warming a projected in the rent seeking climatologist's models. Now she has more support from a climatologist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab:
"It's what I call global weirding," said Bill Patzert, a climatologist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. "This has been a very strange year all over the planet."
The Sac Bee has more on the strange California weather, and some of the potential consequences, here. But, this is my favorite quote in the story:
"We don't understand everything, and we don't understand how the different feedbacks affect different parts of the climate system," said Cohen, director of seasonal forecasting at Atmospheric and Environmental Research, a private firm in Lexington, Mass. "It's very complicated. So we should expect the unexpected."
Exit Question: If we do not understand everything, then why are CARB’s scientific hacks, our Legislators and the Governor making job killing public policies on incomplete knowledge?