Russ Steele
Here is the link to the second installment of the Sac Bee Story on Nevada County's Hard Money.
There is a very interesting comment below the story about an out of town-er's experience with our District Attorney?
All the comment on the story, parts one and two, seem to be rather harsh on Nevada County. Our reputation is being besmirched.
With the wide spread use of the Internet by people and firms wishing to relocate to Nevada County the hard money stories and the AtPac lawsuit will keep popping up in a Goggle or Bing Search. What we need now are some stories about local leaders cleaning up the corruption by taking some bold action. I seriously doubt it is going to happen unless citizens demand it. Where are the Tea Party Patriots when they are most needed. Let's hope they are present at next the BoS meeting to get some questions on the record, and all subsequent meetings until we get some action.