Russ Steele
On Tuesday of this week the Natural Resources Defense Council released yet again another global warming scare story for the intellectually challenge left, who are prone to ignore the facts and adopt the latest scare.
The folks at KQED are reporting on this latest scary report.
Scientists and planners expect the Bay Area to face a host of water-related threats in the coming decades due to climate change, including flooding due to rising seas and summer water shortages due to warmer temperatures and a shrinking Sierra snowpack.
A new analysis released Tuesday from the non-profit Natural Resources Defense Council catalogs these threats, for San Francisco, and for 11 other American cities, including Los Angeles.
. . . San Francisco is particularly vulnerable to flooding due to rising seas, which, according to current projections, could rise 55 inches by the end of the century.
While the report addresses a broad range of speculative dangers, the most ludicrous is sea level rise.
As you can see the graphic plot, the sea level started rising about 1850 and has been averaging about 19cm or 7.5 inches per hundred years.
Graphed by Joanne Nova based on data from Jevrejura et al
We have about 89 years left to the next century, To get to 55 inches of sea level rise, San Francisco would have to see a sea level rise of about 0.65 inches per year, or 1.6cm per year. The current sea level rise is about 3.2mm per year or about 24.8 cm by 2100. At the current rate that is about 11 inches. To reach the 55 inches, the rate of sea level rise would have to increase 5 times it's current rate. The problem is at the current time the rate is declining.
Exit Question: Why is San Francisco, a city deap in debt, spending millions of dollars to counter a 55 in rise in sea of level that is not going to happen? Oh!