Russ Steele
Editor: More data was added, with a link to an LA Time story on CA employment.
California now has the second highest unemployment in the nation, only Nevada has a higher rate. While news reports indicate Silicon Valley companies are hiring, some Bay Area counties saw unemplomnent rise from May to June. On the otherhand, two Counties saw a decline in unemployment, San Beninto County saw a 0.8 decline and San Mateo County a 0.7 decline.
Here are some June 2011 unemployment numbers for other California Counties from CA EDD, with the May numbers in parentheses. The trend is toward more unemployment.
Bay Area Counties:
• San Francisco County, 9.0 percent (8.4 percent)
• San Mateo County, 8.0 percent (8.7 percent)
• Santa Clara County, 10.3 percent ( 9.7 percent)
• San Benito County, 15.8 percent (16.6 percent)
Local Unemployment:
• Nevada County, 11.4 percent (11.1 percent)
Central Valley Counties:
• Butte County, 14.1 percent; (12.9 percent)
• Fresno County, 16.8 percent; (16.0 percent)
• Kern County, 15.3 percent; (15.0 percent)
• Kings County, 16.7 percent; (15.2 percent)
• Madera County, 15.2 percent; (14.5 percent)
• Merced County, 18.7 percent; (17.8 percent)
• Sacramento County, 12.6 percent; (11.8 percent)
• San Joaquin County, 16.7 percent; (16.2 percent)
• Stanislaus County, 17.2 percent; (16.7 percent)
• Tulare County, 15.8 percent; (15.1 percent)
• Yolo County, 12.1 percent; (11.8 percent)
• Yuba County, 18.3 percent; (17.0 percent)
When the ARRA stimulus program began, California unemployment was 10.1 percent. After spending $17 billion of the $30 billion dollars awarded to California, the states unemployment rate is now at 12.1 percent, up from 11.4 percent. I guess the stimulus did more harm than good.
Exit Question: When will we see signs of true economic recovery?