Russ Steele
It is on every radio station news update. Texas Gov. Rick Perry does not believe that climate change is caused by human activity. He even goes farther in New Hampshire today, when he stated that scientists are using phony climate change data to make a buck.
"A substantial number of scientists manipulated data to keep the money rolling in," said Perry.
This statement was reported by the New Hampshire Union Leader editor Drew Cline in a tweet. Before that, Cline quoted Perry saying, "I do believe the issue of global warming has been politicized."
More can be found at TMPDC
I have to agree. There are billions of tax dollars being spent to study anthropogenic global warming. If scientist were to admit warming and cooling is a natural processes, and the most that CO2 emissions double can warm the planet is about 1.5 Fº, the government's global warming money tree would die. To protect their grants and money tree, scientist continue to promote the myth of AGW and the need to stop it by controlling CO2 emissions. Details on CO2 emissions here.
On the other hand, the RINO Mitt Romney believes the world is getting warmer and that humans are contributing to that pattern. Just like I could not bring myself to vote for Meg Whitman because she would not take a strong position against AGW, I will not vote for Romney should be become the GOP Candidate. God for bid. While Perry may not be the perfect candidate, he would take action to bring the EPA under control, and put an end to job killing regulations. If Perry is elected we can get back to drilling for gas and oil and shut down the bird shredders that are wiping out the American Eagle, and create jobs in the process.