Russ Steele
The good folks at PG&E have sent us yet again another offer to join their SmartAC program, so I can help the citizens of California keep over 84,000 homes powered up in the event of an a supply emergency. They are offering a $50.00 reward if we let them control my AC power. According to PG&E over 145,000 customers have already accepted their bribe.
Here are some the benefits of the SmartAC program:
- PG&E will install the control device - No indications what the charges will be.
- The device will control the power to the compressor - just hold open the relay for a while, what could possibly go wrong?
- We get to control the thermostat, but they control the compressor- house will never warm more than 4 degrees, well maybe it all depends says the small print.
- Control event will not last more than six hours - really, who determines which six hours if we are having a Texas hot spell lasting 30 days above 80 degrees at night?
- I can decline to participate on a day to day basis with out penalty says the letter - unless there is a real extreme emergency says the small print.
Bottom line, read the small print in this offer, as there very few advantages for the home owner and a desperate need for PG&E to control the load when they are totally dependent on 33% renewable power. They have no control over when the wind blows and clouds roll over the solar farms, or the out of state distribution grid crashes. They are desperate to control the load, to control your AC.
My solution, return the empy form. I can do with out the $50.00, and welcome the peace of mind that I am in control of our AC.