Russ Steele
Our local left is "going postal" as the local Tea Party gains recognition in the community. The TPP was the largest group in the 4th of July Parade. The Tea Party Patriots are holding monthly events, including dinners, luncheons, free movies on critical issues, holding idea exchange forums, hosted a County Fair Booth, and are developing a strong presence on Facebook. They are every where, including attending BOS meetings and meeting one-on-one with Supervisors, City Council members and our local newspaper Publisher.
For some reason, the left is upset by this expanding visibility of the Tea Party Patriots in our community. They keep posting about polling information reported to show declining interest in the Tea Party and what they stand for:
- Fiscal Responsibility
- Limited Government
- Free Markets
- Respect for our Constitution and Bill of Rights
- A government that respects and answers to the people.
I am not buying those polls. These cored values are a state of mind that is shared by many people in our community. Look at the high fives, raised arm and smiles when the Tea Party marched by hundreds of spectators during the 4th of July Parade. While these observers were not parading down the street, they indicated they share the same state of mind as those Tea Party Patriot who were marching.
Many local and regional citizens stopped by the Tea party Fair Booth to let those in the booth know that they also share the Tea Party’s core values of fiscal responsibility, limited government, free markets and respect for our Constitution. Many are joining the growing ranks of the local TPP Chapter.
I am having trouble understanding how our local left can be against these core values. The seem to want larger, fiscally irresponsible, socialist government, that trashes the Constitution. And, are willing to trash anyone that supports these Tea Party core values, as demonstrated by our local lefty bloggers.
Exit Question: Do you support the Tea Party Patriot core values? If not, why not?